Friday, March 11, 2016

Week 5

Hey guys! This week has consisted mostly of writing my rough draft. Just 5 more weeks left till I have to have my final draft and so I have finished my outline, and now I am beginning to write the rough draft. My goal with this draft is to solidify the way I can write a research paper. Although the Capstone projects did help, the draft just serves as a reinforcement.  This week's research consisted of ways to prevent wrongful convictions. About three years ago, a combined team of forces released this report that recommends ways to reduce wrongful convictions. 1)  the climate that surrounds investigations should be changed. Supervisors are discouraged from interfering in investigations and this can lead to trouble. 2) law enforcement can stop arresting the wrong person by improving investigation protocols, and training policies. 3) slow down, and evaluate the person (for law enforcement officers) 4) re-evaluating closed cases. There are a huge array of recommendations that just need to be implemented. Next week I will analyze these recommendations, and prevention methods in-depth.

Story of the Day: Just yesterday on March 10th, Andre Hatchett was exonerated in Brooklyn after serving TWENTY FIVE years for a murder that he did not commit. The case was based on only one eyewitness who actually identified someone else on the night of the crime, but the defense lawyers failed to mention this in court! Plus, the defense lawyers were so incompetent that they didn't even present medical records to the jury that Hatchett was on crutches the night of the crime, and wasn't physically capable of committing a murder, let alone walking without support. He is now free thanks to the Ken Thompson the Brooklyn District Attorney, and his Conviction Integrity Unit. Happy ending :) 


  1. Hi! How could this court case go without presenting so much crucial information?

    1. The defense lawyers either didn't know this crucial information, or they were in cahoots with the prosecution and didn't convey it. Not really sure though. Thanks for your continued interest :)

    2. The defense lawyers either didn't know this crucial information, or they were in cahoots with the prosecution and didn't convey it. Not really sure though. Thanks for your continued interest :)

  2. Laiba, are you working much with Chelsea, the attorney who came to visit our club one time ? Does she do much in the way of criminal defense work ? - Mr. Johnson

    1. Hi Mr. Johnson. Thanks for reading. Yes she is my mentor and she was the one who suggested this topic. She is also connected to the Justice Project of Arizona which is one of the bases of my project.

    2. Hi Mr. Johnson. Thanks for reading. Yes she is my mentor and she was the one who suggested this topic. She is also connected to the Justice Project of Arizona which is one of the bases of my project.
